Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Internet Safety

Do's and Dont's of Internet Safety


Be careful of who you talk to on the internet, the person may not be your best friend.
Tell a parent if you feel uncomfortable when talking to someone.
Take action on a cyber bully by telling an official.
Take steps to protecting yourself and others online.


Don't tell people you don't know your perconal information.
Don't talk to anyone that is making you feel uncomfortable.
Don't be mean to anoyne that is on the internet.
Don't be afraid to tell a parent what someone told you on the internet.

How to protect yourself:

Install a firewall or spam blocker to stop Viruses and other mishaps to happen on your computer.
Never chat with people you don't know, or people you don't trust.
If someone asks to meet you at a certain place, make sure you have an adult present.
If someone is bullying you, call a responsible adult.

Safety Tips!!!!

Comments on another person's videos, blogs, websites, etc. that are obscene and very hurtful to that person claims as cyber bullying. Don't do it.
Be nice and courteous to a person online.
Don't EVER be a victim of online perdators.

Monday, November 29, 2010

All About Being A Jaguar

Spain Park High School, 4700 Jaguar Drive, Hoover, AL 35242

Spain Park Jags, we celebrate, a place we hold so dear
This our Alma Mater, Spain Park we sing and cheer
Ever Faithful, Ever Loyal, as the years pass through
May we ever love the Jaguar Blue,
To Spain Park be true!

Here is my schedule for my 9th grade year!

1st Period: Algebra I-Selle
2nd Period: World History-Smith
3rd Period: Biology-Millard
4th Period: HS101/Buisiness Tech-Tucker
5th Period: English 9-Carter
6th Period: Physical Education-Dill
7th Period- Art I/Mixed Media-Childers

I love being a Jag because it shows my power to learn and how I can be a smart person and not be boring. I can show my true colors and be who and what I want to be and show the world that I am a Spain Park Jag and I am ready to be challenged!!!!